Sold [Selling] Diablo 3 Account 7k paragon Non-season, 2k paragon season.(DH Ready)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kovauskilol, 8/7/21.

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  1. kovauskilol

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    -Original Owner.
    -NA server.

    -7k paragon non-season and 2k paragon season.
    -13 stash tabs.
    -necro unlocked.
    -5 wings, some pets from last seasons, no butterfly wings(sad).


    -bounty 2k.
    -white 100k, blue 180k, rare 440k, db 350k, souls 900k.
    -10k keys.
    -25 150 augments.
    -2 chest full 135 gems to up.
    -DH GoD non-season 12/13 perfect primals and perfect rolls, only restraint that is not primal. Ready to do 140+ solo. Speed 115+ (6.5t xp/h).
    -Zdh 150.
    -Zbarb 150.
    -Zmonk 150(not in char).
    -Monk Sunwuko to farm keys and low grs.
    -Firebird 142 solo+.
    -Natalyas full primal.(perfect rolls).
    -Shadow full primal.(perfect rolls).
    -Marauder full primal.(perfect rolls).
    -Unhallowed full primal(perfect rolls, perfect yangs, perfect dead mans legacy, perfect squirts).

    -primal crit crit squirts, can roll anything from dex.


    -DH ready to do 120+ and speed 110. Almost perfect ethereal already.
    -season already done, just need to farm now.

    Starcraft 2 has all campaigns to play.

    Contact: [email protected] or discord kovauskilol#5675
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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