-Original owner. -Can change battle tag 20k+ bounty materials 670k white, 622k arcane dust, 542k veiled crystal, 370k db, 850k souls. 12 stash tabs, next one s23. 100+ legendary gems 130-145, 23 gems 150 Builds: -GoD DH can do 145+ solo and speed 110+ 2 minutes or less -Necro trashkiller can do 140+ speed -Rathma LoD speed 110+ -DH shadow can do 130+ or can rgk 145+ -Crusader rgk 145+ easy -Zmonk can do 150 -barb can do 150 -zbarb rathma speed -Wiz vyr chantodo speed and 120+ -barb WW speed and solo 140+, -monk sunwuko key farm, -DH multishot full primal speed and solo gr 130+, -Zwiz -Zcrusader -Znec can do 150 easy, -barb savage 120+ speed and rgk. CONTACT: kovauskilol#5675