Sold [Selling] Diablo 3 account 10250 US server

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kovauskilol, 3/23/21.

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  1. kovauskilol

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    -Original owner.

    6k+ bounty materials

    1.6m white, 1.4m arcane dust, 1.5m veiled crystal, 1.2m db, 1.6m souls.

    13 stash tabs

    100+ legendary gems 130-145, 50~60 gems 150 for augment


    -GoD DH can do 148+ solo and speed 115+ 2 minutes or less(all primal)
    -Necro thrashkiller can do 150 (all primal)
    -Rathma LoD speed 120+ (all primal)
    -DH shadow can do 130+ or can rgk 150
    -Zdh 150
    -Crusader RGK 150
    -Zmonk can do 150
    -Zbarb can do 150 (all primal)
    -Zbarb rathma speed
    -Wiz Firebird (all primal)
    -barb WW speed and solo 140+
    -Monk Sunwuko key farm
    -DH Multishot full primal speed and solo gr 130+,
    -Zwiz (not built in a char)
    -Zcrusader (not built in a char)
    -Znec can do 150 easy
    -barb savage 120+ speed and rgk.
    -WD mundunugu thrash killer(all primal)

    GR keys 2000+
    -All amulets primal perfect 100-10 crit.
    -3 wings
    -all pets
    -only game in the account is Diablo 3

    CONTACT discord: Pato#1915
    email: [email protected] for fast contact, if u dont want via email, contact discord
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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