Sold Selling DGfull12/12 sb, BF12/12 nemesis, NGfull Berserker account. 2luke able

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dydwls243, 12/3/17.

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  1. dydwls243

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    Soulbender- 5/5dg set all 11 amplified, 3/3sense all 3, 20 shadow elemented, all of them 3 10amplified, +6 shadow hot summer title, 10 amlified 8 refined world pendulum.
    106 monolium in bender atm, have max keiga switching items(title,weap, avatar etc)

    Nemesis - 5/5 Black formal set all 10 amplified, 3/3 sense all3,20 shadow elemented, all of them 10 amplified, +6 shadow hot summer title, 10 reinforced world pendulum and 10 reinforced savior's glory katana, have max congest switching items(title,weap,avatar etc)
    123 monolium in nemesis atm

    Berserker - 5/5 NG set, acc and other things check screenshoots

    all of 3 chars screenshoots

    - - - Updated - - -

    discord -DarkSexer#3108 only offers will be replied. no a.w atm no c.o atm
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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