Sold Selling DFO Account With 2 anton raid ready characters and lots more

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by juicefighter, 12/6/17.

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  1. juicefighter

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    im selling my dfo account because im leaving for the military in a few months plus work and school has cut into my free time.

    ive put in a good amount of time and care into this account and ill list what i got.




    first off we got the battle/support sader. this one had a dual skill build set to save time and effort.
    for the battle sader i have 3 piece ov set for holy mace buff (forget what the set is called), 3 piece gracia, legendary light damage bracelet, shape of avarice and source of avarice, also with a level 90 halidom sub equipment set that comes with magic stone, earring, and sub equip.

    for the support sader i have a full 9 piece vow of silence set and a metal gear belt for an extra level on Apocalypse, both vitality and spirit are kinda balanced around 2200-2400 in dungeon, i also have a +10 jupiter +3 refined that works with both builds amazingly.


    next off we got my weapon master, or my "main".
    hes rocking all kinds of different epic pieces and i like to switch em up depending on the situation, im 1/3 sensory, 2/3 cold princess, and 2/5 on a bunch of 85 and 90 armor sets, +10 worship general's book, border of black and white earring and magic stone, a +10 legendary lightsabre, +10 world pendulum, and a 85 epic lightsabre. i also have shape of avarice and aphrosis blade necklace or however you spell it, pretty much just spits 20 blades a second all over the screen.

    i also have different swap gears to make overdrive +17

    as for the blood evil hes pretty much just rocking full halidoms and a liberation zan, nothing too special but can pack a punch.

    my swift master has a +10 lib pole, 3 piece ov set, and 4/6 on gracia.


    my dimension walker just rocks some halidoms, ov set 3 piece, and 3/6 gracia, also has gracia broom, kinda the same as swift.

    as for my other characters, they're pretty much just odds and ends for events and stuff but otherwise they're pretty good.

    my asking price is $250 which is pretty reasonable for an account like this.

    if you want to contact me message me on here or skype. skype name: juicefighter
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