Sold Selling Destroyer, SF, KFM + max character slots! Premium Lv10~

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tasui, 5/8/17.

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  1. tasui

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    Gold Masterpack Founders!
    Characters are on EU Windrest Server group 1!

    Soulfighter and Destroyer have both Legendary weapons!
    Destroyer has 2 Skill tabs so you can have 3 different specs all the time with just one click!
    Maxed out storage on all 3 characters and on a few more alts!
    Maxed premium level 10.

    Has a total of 8 Character slots for every class aviable in the game!

    Price can be # =)

    Outfits :
    moonlight explorer
    summer nights
    strictly busines
    spirit master
    solar eclipse
    colourfull autumm leaves
    crimson butterfly
    pure white
    reguim corvus
    bunny ears
    laid back hat
    hongmoon featered mask
    reguim corvus clip
    alice outfit
    alice ribbon
    candle glassses
    crown jewel hat
    classy glasses
    foxy glasses
    how at the moon
    demon maw
    scarlet shade
    dark angel
    silent night
    white night
    woodland padded coat
    light specter
    honor guard
    white hot
    merry weater
    blue porcelain
    quick draw
    white sandraider
    secret agent
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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