Selling Selling destiny account. Player since year 1! Exotics! Bonus games! Read!

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Rijaak, 9/29/16.

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  1. Rijaak

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    All DLC except Rise of Iron included.

    Level 40 Hunter with 310 Light. All sub-classes fully leveled. Plus bonus, level 35 hunter for getting hunter raid gear faster.

    Hunter Gear:

    Full Taken King Raid Set. The coolest looking hunter armor so far. Including:
    Darkhollow Mask, Harrowed Darkhollow Grasps, Harrowed Darkhollowed Chiton, Harrowed Darkhollow
    Treads, and Cloak of Seven Bones.

    Full Trials of Osiris Set. This is the Win Condition Set, not the purchaseable one. Including:
    Burning Eye Mask, Grips of the Exile, Vest of the Exile, Winged Sun Legs, and Cloak of the Exile.

    Year 2 Exotic Gear:
    Celestial Nighthawk, Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, and Bones of Eao.

    Discovered Year 2 Exotic Gear (Can be purchased in the tower for Legendary Marks, Glimmer, and/or exotic
    Knucklehead Radar, Achlyophage Symbiote, Mask of the Third Man, Graviton Forfeit, Crest of Alpha Lupi, Young Ahamkara's Spine, and Khepri's Sting.

    Discovered Year 1 Exotic Gear (Can be purchased in the tower for Legendary Marks, Glimmer, and/or exotic
    Knucklehead Radar, Achlyophage Symbiote, Mask of the Third Man, Crest of Alpha Lupi, and Khepri's Sting.


    Taken King Raid Weapons:
    Smite of Merain, Harrowed Defiance of Yasmin, Harrowed Midha's Reckoning, Harrowed Elulim's Frenzy,
    and Quillim's Terminus.

    Year 2 Exotic Weapons:
    Red Death, Touch of Malice, The Last Word, and Telesto.

    Discovered Year 2 Exotic Weapons (Can be purchased in the tower for Legendary Marks, Glimmer, and/or exotic
    Zhalo Supercell, Monte Carlo, Hawkmoon, Patience and Time, and Mida Multi-Tool.

    Discovered Year 1 Exotic Weapons (Can be purchased in the tower for Legendary Marks, Glimmer, and/or exotic
    Monte Carlo, The Last Word, Thorn, Red Death, Vex Mythoclast, Pocket Infinity, Patience and Time, Mida Multi-Tool, and Gjallarhorn.

    All Three Swords!:
    Sol Edge, Void Edge, and Arc Edge.

    Plus Extras:
    Skull Mask (Ultra Rare Helmet from the first Festival of the Lost. Looks like a blue ghostrider head).
    Other Masks from the first Festival of the Lost
    Raid Rewards from Vault of Glass and The Dark Below

    In addition to all that, I have too many legendary weapons and armor to list here individually! All Year 2 legendaries and exotics are upgradeable to the current maximum light level!

    Plus, Bonus Games that come with the PSN account:
    Batman Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, DmC Devil May Cry, Everybody's Gone to Rapture, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy
    X/X2 HD, Grow Home, Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain, Oddworld New n Tasty, Outlast, PT, The Last of Us
    Remastered, Terraria, and The Swapper.

    Now's the perfect time to jump into Destiny with Rise of Iron! This account will give you all you need to be way ahead of the game with the coolest gear from the previous expansions. Plus, hours of extra playtime with 6 other blockbuster games!

    I only accept PayPal. PM me if interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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