Selling decent Warframe account.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    I want to sell an account, its a rank 9 (almost rank 10) account with lots of stuff. Price betweet 90-150$ (I've spend about 250ish or more $).


    Ash: Rank 30

    Mirage: Rank 30

    Rhino Prime: Rank 30 (2 Forma)

    Valkyr: Rank 30

    Vauban: Rank 30

    Nyx prime: Rank 30

    Nekros: Rank 30

    Loki Prime: Rank 30

    Limbo: Rank 22

    Primary Weapons:

    Amprex: Rank 30 (2 Forma)

    Boltor Prime: Rank 30

    Attica: Rank 30

    Karak: Rank 17

    Lanka: Rank 30

    Paris Prime: Rank 30 (2 Forma)

    Tiberon: Rank 30

    Secondary Weapons:

    Akzani: Rank 30

    Lex Prime; Rank 30

    Melee Weapons:

    Dual Zoren: Rank 30

    Glaive Prime: Rank 30

    Scindo Prime: rank 30 (1 Forma)

    Venka: Rank 7


    Carrier: Rank 30

    Helios: Rank 30

    Shade:Rank 30

    Kubrow: Bulky and a Tall kubrow

    41k Credits

    0 Plat

    And a lot of Blueprints and a Full BP Sets Like Frost prime, Dakra Prime,Boar Prime and Ember Prime without the main blueprint just the components

    I have 2 Pallets 1 is a Halloween(Free one) and the other is Eximus

    Also Have Daedalus Knee Plates, Eos Shoulder Plates, and an Emperor Syandana , Face attachments ( Mustaches )

    Syndicates that i joined: Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda

    I am currently in a Clan : (Cant say it)(Which i Created and then gave my Status to the other clan mate) We have all labs, All researches, Duel Rooms, Obstacle Room, Only 4 people in this clan (We never invited people so we made our own just to have labs and stuff), In an Alliance Orion Emperors, 5 Clans in this Alliance.

    If you need more info about this account feel free to ask. (This account have never been banned or warned.)

    For more info like mods,Blueprints, or an email change ask me in pm.

    thjis acc looks great! pm me!

    Hey andreluis, Sorry i completely forgot about this site for a while, if you still intrested in my account contact me [email protected]
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