Sold Selling DCUO 2011 account main character CR300 210SP SOME MATERIALS,AURAS,REDEEMS

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Andreas nm, 11/5/20.

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  1. Andreas nm

    Andreas nm
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    My Location:
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    original email and possible password change
    Account works on steam and in-game laucher
    account features

    dlcs on account
    ep1 fight for the light
    ep2 lighttning strikes
    ep3 battle for earth
    ep4 the last laugh
    ep6 home turf
    ep7 origin crisis
    ep8 sons of trigon
    ep9 war of the light part 1
    ep11 halls of power part 1
    ep12 war of the light part 2
    ep30 earth 3
    ep34 justice league dark
    6 slots of characters
    1 character lvl30 cr 300 power munitions 206 sp
    2 character lvl30 cr 255 power celestial 114 sp
    3 character lvl30 cr 257 power gadgets 103 sp
    4 character lvl30 cr 220 power quantum 91 sp
    5 character lvl30 cr 128 power hard light75 sp
    6 character lvl 13 (delete this and create another)

    features on main character
    2 armories
    tetrahedron of urgrund lvl 113
    grimorium verum lvl 104
    solar Amplifier lvl 100
    bottled city soder lvl 7
    4 augments mighty (lvl 217, 197, 188, 164)

    All materials on main account
    royal colors pack(black, blue, green, orange, yellow)
    blue phoenix
    blue spark
    caregiver's chroma pack
    furious chroma
    gold time torn
    green hacker
    red phoenix
    unicorn power
    yellow forcefield

    27kk no scrow

    main account has some complete collection styles

    falcone glasses
    straw hat
    scu helmet
    avatar of sin
    cloak of hades
    cloak of eternities
    gadgeteer chest

    items purchased at the game store (redeems)
    red lanter weapon styles
    red lightstream
    white aura

    in the other characters I have some styles that I bought but that have in the main account only change the powers

    more specs or more pics call me on discord andreas#3238

    personagens.png sps.png armories.png materials 1.png materials 2.png materials 3.png movements.png redeems.png redeems2.png

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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