Sold Selling Dawn of Titans Lvl 14 Castle,lvl 16 account

Discussion in 'Dawn of Titans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fefossl, 9/26/17.

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  1. fefossl

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    (For Android)
    Hi,I am selling Dawn of Titans Lvl 14 Castle, lvl 16 account...also 3k gems, many 3,4* relics, alliance Moar Wenches.

    -4 titans 2** lvl 10
    -2 titans 2** lvl 11
    -1 titan 2*" lvl 6
    -1 titan 2** lvl 20
    -1 titan 1* lvl 30
    -1 titan 1* lvl 29
    -1 titan 1* lvl 19
    -1 titan 1* lvl 17
    -2 titans 1* lvl 13
    -1 titans 1* lvl 12

    My mail is: [email protected]
    We talk about the price if you interesting the account, MAKE OFFERS!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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