Selling DAOC Accounts -

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS 2 Ywain accounts Hib/mid

    Account Information
    As topic says Main account bard druid eld nightshade Healer wl 2nd acc buffbot 50 shamy 46 druid buffcapped 400 plats cash pm if interested or post

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTB Ywain Acc

    Account Information
    Hi guys, i'm looking for an Ywain account with full perf stuff chars.. rank is not that important if the stuff is great ! All realm with preferences for those class : -SB, Infi, Minstrel, Shade ... -Casters (sorc, rm ...) -Bard -Zerk, Merc, BM Lvl 50, full temp ofc. Post me your accounts offers or PM Thanks.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTB Ywain HIB Account

    Account Information
    Hi there, looking for a basic Hib account. Doesnt have to be any special because I just need it to plevel my main. 1. Enchanter with decent temp to PvE 2. Druid with ML's and decent temp Pm me or post here. TY

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTB: Midgard Account

    Account Information
    Just looking to play a little DAoC again. I prefer a Thane, but may be open to something else, but must be Mid. Pretty open to anything, not looking to spend a lot, just want to play the game a bit. Please post before contacting.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS healer 47 on Uthgard (Dwarf female)

    Account Information
    WTS accs on Ywain: 1x 50 male/cobold shaman and 50 male/frost healer # 41 bard male/celt inconnu/male 39 necro 29 female/briton cleric 34 highlander/male pally 1x 50 bd male/cobold 5L (you can use the WL stuff), 50 WL male/cobold 5L (full capped ML10 template), 50 male/cobold rm 6L (you can use the WL stuff as well), 50 female/norseThane Battlemaster 4L, 49 female/norse bers, 24 sb (thidranki toon, full capped) male/norse 50 cler male/briton (not full cap, need some items) 3L 35 sorc male/saracen 41 luuriken/male vamp (good stuff on him) Paypal only!!

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT: WTT WoW account 361 Feral tank druid LF Hib account pref ranger or ns other offers ok

    Account Information
    Looking to trade my wow account has max alchemy and herb 310 flying speed green proto drake about 2k gold on him aboutmy aim is kwabbit12 hit me up

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT: WTT RR10 Sorc Account with SW and is open for a couple weeks

    Account Information
    account is open and does have Secret Word. I will NOT sell this account. Looking for a Hib account with a couple casters. RR5+ Please and must be opened and include SW. Can contact me through email at sorosy@ or can message me on messenger at proxen2003 . RR10L5 Sorc - Templated - Bunch of items to play with new templates. RR8L1 Infiltrator CL10 ML10 - Templated - 915 Alch- 1187 Solo Kills RR4L9 Merc CL7 ML10 - Could use updated template - 858 WC (Like 10k RPS from RR5) RR2 Scout ML10 - Could use updated template RR3 Minstrel - Could use template RR2 Cleric - needs a lot of work - 304 AC RR1 Friar - Needs work - Has some good items on it already. Has some ml10 items on it. rr7 skald - templated rr5 zerker - templated rr3 healer - templated rr1 runey - has some gear on it rr1 SM - naked Level 50 Vamp - Temped but is missing weapon Level 50 Druid - pve gear Level 50 Bard - Could use work

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT: Account!!

    Account Information
    Hi thinking of trading my account if i get right offer only want account trade not after plat or items please... Mid 50 troll savage - 6L4 - Astral Temp 50 frostalf lock - 4L2 - needs temp (few items/artis on) 50 norse mauler - 3L0 - needs temp (few items/artis on) 50 kobold BD - 3L2 - needs temp (few items/artis on) 50 kobold warrior - 2L6 - needs temp (few items/artis) 50 kobold shaman - 2l4 - ml8 used as # 48 norse skald Alb 50 cleric - 2l0 - decent template Hib 50 celt druid - 1L5 - used as # 50 shar vamp - 1L5 - needs temp 46 celt druid - 1L5 - needs work (who knows why i rolled it lol) drop me a pm if interested in trade, looking for RR5+ well templated characters only... thanks

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT: Rift 50 Rogue account 300 outfitting and butchering, nice items for nice Daoc account

    Account Information
    Title says it all, have a nice rift account that is still active.. 300 outfitting and butchering, will trade for a decent account on Daoc.. hit me up at mashburnja@ Thanks

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS: Ywain, Inf, scout, and wizard account.. buffbot account as well with ML10 Sorc.

    Account Information
    Ywain, has a 50 Infiltrator, full temped in Astral Gear, such as the vest, l and cloak, has also the Meph fang, but its no in template at the moment. V.S.S and Ctd is the main weapons but can switch out mainhands without affecting anything.. ALL resists above 23%..nice Inf and ready to play.. Also ML10 on the Inf, spymaster 50 Scout, has lots of arti's and lots glass to spend more on arti's and ML's. But not temped whatsoever, so needs some work.. 43 Ice wiz also on this account Buffbot account: 50 ML10 Champ level 10 Cleric. Grandmaster Spellcrafter, so can do all the Scing you want for your temps! Mean mamma jamma, Fully temped so can go RvR in zergs, or whatever you want, but spec'd for buffing at the moment. 50 Sorcerer, ML10 for the ML9 Pet, and max temped, all resists almost maxed and champ level 10.. RR3 I believe.. Selling all for 150.00, so shoot me an email at mashburnja@ if wanting. Thanks
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