Selling D4 70lvl GoW*** 87k strength for sale

Discussion in 'Erepublik Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by alnote, 1/9/17.

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  1. alnote

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    Selling my eRepublik account
    70 level, D4, God of War***, Flight Lieutenant, over 87k strength, national rank is among the 600 best of the country, silver status on the loyalty program.
    All training grounds are fully upgraded (Q4) and there is still over 20 days of 90% training contract
    3 saltpepper mines, 1 fishery, 1 cattle farm, 1 Q2 food factory
    Over 160k of storage with: over 300 energy bars, a few small bombs, over 190 Q5 tickets, over 1100 overtime tickets, over 65 damage boosters, over 65 acceleration boosters, over 600 Q5 food, over 180 Q7 weapons, over 140 ghost boosters, over 130 assembled bazookas with many spare parts left, active houses, over 26k food raw material, over 43k weapon raw material
    On top of these, there are over 245 gold, and over 23k of cc.
    Currently employed on an employer that allows multiple overtime working and with very good salary.
    The account has never changed name or citizenship. It has many friends and is active in a big military unit and has recently elected as a congress member. More than 500 medals so far. There is active newspaper with more than 500 subscribers.
    Asking for 40 eur
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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