[Selling] Custom, manually leveled 65 chars on all eu servers!

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jestersnek, 3/7/19.

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  1. jestersnek

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    How it works; You name the server you want, as well as the class and the race. I will make an account and level the character. You don't have to pay anything

    before I get the character to max level and send you screenshots as proof.

    I level characters entirely by hand and without use of any kind of # or third party program, and my service is highly customizable; you can tell me what

    character name you want, what appearance, etc. I will make a new email that will be used only for the purpose of making a new TERA account, and you will

    get the email as well when you buy the account.

    If you wish, I can farm up gear or crafting as well for an increased price.

    My service is 100% safe to use and my accounts never get banned.

    Contact me on Discord - Uruni#7623
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