Sold Selling Crowfall: KS Amber Account

Discussion in 'Crowfall Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JonasHolst, 10/3/17.

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  1. JonasHolst

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    Kickstarter Amber Account for Crowfall.

    PRICE: I will consider all serious offers

    Amber rewards:
    Extra VIP KS
    Pack Pig
    Forum Badge/Frame - Amber Patron KS
    Credits - Patron KS
    Digital Game Copy
    Arcane Weapon set - KS
    Digital Art Book
    Digital Sound Track
    Unique Character Name (reserved)
    God Statue (1 of 12) - KS
    Character Slot
    Nightmare Mount-KS
    Alpha 2
    Bank size +20%
    Name a Fallen Hero
    Physical Collectors Edition/KS
    5 cell Stronghold-medium fortification
    Reserve Guild Name
    (1 cell) Farmland Parcel (standard)
    Name a Fallen Monarch
    Expanded Colors Guild Heraldry
    All Father Statue w/Blessing of Knowledge (KS exclusive)
    Stoneborne Relic
    Centaur Relic
    Dwarven Blacksmith Thrall
    One month VIP
    Company Garrison
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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