Sold Selling CP 700+ Amazing 7 Maxed Characters High PVP ranks, Gear, Maelstrom, Morrowind+

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Syny, 6/5/17.

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  1. Syny

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    Morrowind READY!, Any Race Any Alliance, Imperial City, Tons of Costumes and personalities, Senche mount, guar mount, and more.
    I am the original owner of the account.
    Gear Highlights: Full Gold set of light Twice Born Star. Lots of Gold weapons, Maelstrom, agility, magnus, senche, marksman, red mountain. Absolute ton of sets all CP160, Night Mothers, TBS, Viper, Agility, Willpower, Trainee, Red Mountain Lich, Magnus, Seducer, Tava's, Hundings, Storm Knight, Black Rose, Fury, Fassalla's, Plague Doctor, Thunderbug, Kagrenac's, Clever Alchemist, Spriggan, Spinner, and nearly all undaunted sets with good traits.
    UPDATED: Many of the new sets out are also on this account since i last made this thread, feel free to ask, but here are some: Bone Pirate, Syrabane, Burning Spellweave, Rattlecage, Impregnable and many many more.

    -I've done a lot of build testing, there are ALOT! of sets to play around with on the account
    -All characters equipped with gold weapons at the least.

    Breton Stamina/Magicka Templar (Level 50) DC
    -Nearly all skill lines leveled
    -10 Mages Guild
    -10 Fighters Guild
    -9 Undaunted
    -Nearly 200 Skillpoints
    -Prefect PVP Rank 30+
    -Max Mount Speed
    -Tons of titles
    -Alchemy, Woodwork, Blacksmith, Clothier all high enough for upgrading passive
    -5k Achievement Points
    -Well Geared

    Redguard Stamina Nightblade (Level 50) DC
    -All necessary skill lines leveled
    -10 Fighters Guild
    -5 Undaunted
    -PVP Rank 17+
    -Well Geared

    Imperial Magicka/Stamina DK (Level 50) DC
    -All necessary skill lines leveled
    -PVP Rank 17+
    -Well Geared

    Argonian Magicka Templar (Level 50) DC
    -All necessary skill lines leveled
    -Fairly new character
    -Well Geared

    High Elf Magicka Sorcerer
    -Skill lines leveled
    -Well Geared
    -Fighters Guild 10
    -Mages Guild 10

    High Elf Magicka Nightblade
    -Skill lines leveled
    -Well geared
    -Newish character (mainly used it for dueling)

    Orc Stamina Sorcerer
    -Skill lines leveled
    -Well Geared
    -Fighters guild 10
    -Newest character

    This account has lots to offer that would take me ages to list, please contact me through PM if you're interested in the account, serious buyers only please! :)

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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