Sold Selling CP 450+ 4 max characters - Orsinium+Imperial Edition+All Alliances

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Uberseller, 5/4/17.

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  1. Uberseller

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    Complete: Templar
    Next: Dragonknight
    Account progressing daily. I will update info on regular basis.
    Screenshot gallery link on client's demand.
    General account information:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited + Imperial Edition Upgrade + Any Alliances + Orsinium DLC

    50 crowns..
    ORSINIUM DLC activated.
    Bank space upgraded to 150 slots.
    Multiple recipes and a lot of stuff in crafting bag.


    HEALER/DPS - Magicka

    Breton Templar
    7840 achievement points.
    190 inventory space.
    Over 217 skillpoints.
    Spell Power Cure + Worm Full Devines ReadyForTrials
    Many Crafting Traits Reserched
    Many Recipes Learn
    Many Motifs Learn

    Riding 60/0/60

    CLASS skills - maxed out
    WEAPON skills - Two Handed, Dual-Wield, Destruction-Staff, Restoration-Staff - maxed out
    ARMOR skills - maxed out

    WORLD skills :
    Legerdemain - 9
    Soul Magic - 5

    GUILD skills:
    Dark Brotherhood - 3
    Fighters Guild - maxed out
    Mages Guild - maxed out
    Thieves Guild - 2
    Undaunted - 9

    RACIAL skills - maxed out

    CRAFT skills:
    Alchemy - maxed out
    Blacksmithing - maxed out
    Clothing - maxed out
    Enchanting - maxed out
    Provisioning - maxed out
    Woodworking - maxed out

    Khajit - Dragonknight

    690 achievement points.
    90 inventory space.
    Gold Vicious Ophidian SET (Rigns + Jewels also gold)!!

    CLASS skills:
    Ardent Flame - 50
    Draconic Power - 42
    Earthen Heart - 43

    WEAPON skills:
    Two Handed - 1
    One Handed and Shield - 1
    Dual Wield - maxed out
    Bow - 27
    Destruction Staff - 1
    Restoration Staff - 1

    ARMOR skills:
    Light Armor - 46
    Medium Armor - maxed out
    Heavy Armor - 27

    WORLD skills:
    Legerdemain - 1
    Soul Magic - 1

    GUILD skills:
    Fighters Guild - 4
    Thieves Guild - 1
    Undaunted - 3
    Mages Guild - 2

    RACIAL skills - maxed out

    CRAFT skills:
    Alchemy - 2
    Blacksmithing - 2
    Clothing - 2
    Enchanting - 8
    Provisioning - 2
    Woodworking - 2

    High Elf - Sorcerer

    590 achievement points.
    90 inventory space.

    CLASS skills:
    Dark Magic - 44
    Daedric Summoning - 33
    Storm Calling - maxed out

    WEAPON skills:
    Two Handed - 5
    One Handed and Shield - 1
    Dual Wield - 8
    Bow - 1
    Destruction Staff - maxed out
    Restoration Staff - 21

    ARMOR skills:
    Light Armor - maxed out
    Medium Armor - 15
    Heavy Armor - 17

    WORLD skills:
    Legerdemain - 1
    Soul Magic - 3

    GUILD skills:
    Fighters Guild - 6
    Mages Guild - 2
    Undaunted - 3

    RACIAL skills - maxed out

    CRAFT skills:
    Alchemy - 1
    Blacksmithing - 3
    Clothing - 3
    Enchanting - 1
    Provisioning - 2
    Woodworking - 3

    Nord - Dragonknight

    690 achievement points.
    90 inventory space.
    Tanking vDungeons is VERY easy
    Ready for Trials

    CLASS skills:
    Ardent Flame - maxed out
    Draconic Power - maxed out
    Earthen Heart - maxed out

    WEAPON skills:
    Two Handed - 5
    One Handed and Shield - maxed out
    Dual Wield - 5
    Bow - 16
    Destruction Staff - 6
    Restoration Staff - 1

    ARMOR skills:
    Light Armor - 41
    Medium Armor - 43
    Heavy Armor - maxed out

    WORLD skills:
    Legerdemain - 1
    Soul Magic - 2

    GUILD skills:
    Fighters Guild - 8
    Undaunted - 7
    Mages Guild - 2

    RACIAL skills - maxed out

    CRAFT skills:
    Alchemy - 2
    Blacksmithing - 2
    Clothing - 2
    Enchanting - 4
    Provisioning - 2
    Woodworking - 2

    Feel free to make some offer. Payment : Paypal Gift
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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