Selling Conq pvp 10,ToS pvp 10 and other

Discussion in 'Age of Conan Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zafatalu, 11/10/16.

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  1. Zafatalu

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    RU account(all payments in rub) with conq pvp 10(sogoth+full aa+almost full t4+t3 pvp gear), ToS PvP 10(almost full aa), DT PvP 6(ibis,almost full aa, chest,helm,legs t5 other t4), demo PvP 5(t2 pvp set), sin PvP 6(pvp set+pve khitai gear),also have bs,pom,necro,barb,guard but not uber geared.
    Also there are about 200 gold and 20shards on account(can sell it separately from account) PM me here or add me on skype prizrak2033,will give all screenshots to potential purchaser)
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