Cheers, I'm selling my love live (EN) account. Details Being Rank: 227 Current Lovecas: 14 (didn't do a ton of bonding for latest N/R+some idolized sr) Idolized URS: 14 (most with 5 slots) Normal URS: 7 (Sticker shop made his victims before they revealed sticker idolization, rip) Idolized SSR: 2 This is not including any promo, just to be honest. I also have Snowman Kotori, Xmas Maki and Vegas Nozomi at slv 8 Eli at slv 6, You untouched in the box and soon will take Nico Cool Team Score (W/o assist): 74k Smile Team Score: 69k Pure Team Score: 68.6k Teams are made by majority of scorers, a locker or 2 and at max 1 healer, waiting for that ever elusing 4 slot skill to turn them into powerful scorer and save you in the meanwhile during clutch brain freeze moment after hours and hours of score match grinding. Cool and Smile Team Sticker are sort of mhe, so you can push either further those scores. I have both standard 3% leaders extra skills+ subunit ones, so you can further minmax with good srs I missed most of latest set besides dancer since I wanted (and got) Kotori, so don't excpet much of those Feel free to offer by pm and/or ask for what the urs are, I'll update current c/o in case more people are interasted in it. One last note, I'l probably hire a middleman for the safety of both buyer and seller, so rest assured