Sold Selling Collector's edition account (founder) ebon hawk us server $750

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lmfgames, 1/22/17.

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  1. lmfgames

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    I am selling this account because I want to stop playing MMOs as they consume great deal of my time.
    this account was created when the game had just started, first character created during the pre-sale purchase time (a week before public launch).
    there is 22 characters in this account.
    all of them are level 65 except for the main character (jedi guardian zabarak) who is level 70.
    there is a lot of account rewards collected during years of gameplay and unique.
    also account comes with over 20 sets of armor/weapons/crystals/mounts/pets unlocked and available for all characters and new ones as well.
    I have created characters of all races/factions/classes/advanced classes and they are repeated in occasions.
    25k legacy achievements.
    many legacy perks like rocket boost among others.
    collector's edition and subscription rewards for the entire period since the game launched.
    founder title
    dark vs light legendary title with pioneer armor set giving 50% xp boost to level new characters faster.
    darth malgus armorset/ shae vizla armorset vigilant armorset among many other very rare and unique armorsets unlocked for all characters old and new.
    titan armorset and titan tank mount.
    hope someone good will take care and enjoy this account, all that has been achieved took years of gameplay and monetary effort to keep the account activated.

    email: [email protected]
    sms: 3054951927
    you may send your offer as well.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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