1.Level 8 townhall 2.Army camp level 6 all 3.Exilier and gold collector level 11 all 4.gold and exilier storage level 11 all 5.walls almost level 7 6.cannons level 9 all 7.archer tower level 9 one and others level 8 8.wizard tower level 5 all 9.mortars level 6 all 10.air defense level 4 all.. Troops 1.Level 5 all troops except dragon and healer, they r level 3 . 2.Dark troops only minions level 2 3.barbarian king level 4 4. Spells level 5 lightning spells and rage and heal spells level 4
i dont know how to upload the pics so u can whatsapp me on my number and i will show u all the pics my number +919438693598 and if u want other information also u can mesage me on my whatsapp ... for more information contact me on my whatsapp number +919438693598
To upload pictures, you can use a image hosting website. (e.g tinypic.com) to upload your screenshots and add them onto your thread. People here tend to use either KIK, Skype or via inbox.
thank u for the help .. and yaa i dont have skype or kick so they either have to mesage me on whatsapp or they will inbox me..