Hello, I'm selling this account, it doesn't have much itens, basically the main char was the cleric, it is using the old BM set full block and acessories and it has Aion's Chosen title plus the MagicResist ring from the cash shop (the one with purple aura). So basically it has $40 only in cash itens. The assassin has a cool shugo mount, and I guess that's it, the rest are free stuff from leveling. Both have autoloot pets, the cleric also has space pets if I'm not mistaken. Since it's been so long since I last played, it still has all the five stigma bundles, so you can make whichever build you'd like on the cleric. Price: $85 You can find me everyday on WhatsApp, and somedays on Discord. Payments accepted: Paypal/Steam CS:GO and Dota2 skins/Bitcoins. (Heavy discounts for payments in bitcoins!)