Hi! I'm selling my FEH account because I have no time to play this game anymore. I really love this game and play this game wholeheartedly. Im selling my Fire Emblem Account! 5 Stars Heroes: Swords Alm (Reciprocal Aid, Phantom Spd) Lyn +1 (Defiant Atk, Brash Assault) Masked Marth (Life and Death [Atk 54, Spd 40], Vantage, Luna)* Zephiel (Fury, Wary Fighter, Pivot)** Tobin* Olivia (Fury, Wings of Mercy, New Moon) Eirika (Death Blow, Astra, Rally Resistance, Wings of Mercy) Lances Ephraim*** Effie (Death Blow, Pivot, Bonfire)**** Camus (Gradivus [Distant Counter Build-in], Fury, Quick Reposte, Threaten Spd)** Clair x2 Axes Hector (Distant Counter, Vantage)***,**** Raven (Glimmer, Hit and Run) Archers Jeorge (Death Blow, Desperation) Faye *** Bridal Cordelia (Brave Bow, Life and Death, Luna, Desperation, Threaten Def)****,***** Ninjas Jaffar +1 (Life and Death, Moonbow, Poison Strike, Threaten Spd) Summer Frederick (Draw Back, Draconic Aura)***** Kagero (Moonbow, Fury, Desperation) Jakob Red Tome Sanaki (Draw Back, Glacies, Triangle Adept, Axe/Swordbreaker)*** Tharja (Moonbow, Vantage) Blue Tome Reinhardt (Death Blow, Vantage, Moonbow, Reposition)**** Bridal Caeda***** Robin (M) (Escape Route) Spring Lucina (Moonbow)***** Green Tome Sonya (Rally Defense, Moonbow, G Tomebreaker)*** Julia (Fury, Bowbreaker)*** Boey Healers Lachesis (Rehabilitate, Wings of Mercy) Genny (Rehabilitate, Kindled-Fire Balm, Atk +3, Wrathful Staff)*** Bridal Lyn (Rehabilitate, Atk/Res +2)***** Dragon Tiki (Desperation)*** Nowi (Fury, Moonbow, Drawback, Swordbreaker)**** 4 Stars Heroes: Alfonse Xander** Seliph Marth Marth Tobin* Fir Lloyd Eirika Chrom Masked Marth* Corrin (M) Laslow Caeda Caeda Sharena Lukas Lukas Cordelia **** Cordelia **** Donnel Donnel Gwendolyn Berkut** Berkut** Peri Catria Est Anna Michalis** Legion** Raven Hawkeye Arthur Titania Camilla Clarisse** Rebecca Jeorge Setsuna Setsuna Kagero Jakob Matthew Lilina Mae Reinhardt Nino Cecilia Boey Clarine Priscilla Sakura Wrys Serra Azama Fae 3 Stars Heroes: Too many to mention, but I have Navarre ** Ursula ** Narcian ** Lloyd ** Zephiel ** Camus ** Xander ** Berkut ** Legion ** Clarisse ** Michalis ** Robin (F) ** * Tempest Trials Exclusive ** Grand Hero Battle Exclusive *** 5-Star Exclusive **** Tier 1 in gamepedia.gg, or S+ Ranked in gamepedia.com ***** Limited Time Heroes 0 Orbs 500~ Feathers Royal Castle Interior (Exp x2) Stamina Potion x5 Dueling Crest x7 Lights Blessing x1 Universal Crystal 95384 Transparent Crystal 13000 Verdant Crystal 11007 Azure Crystal 7500 Scarlet Crystal 12978 Payments using Paypal Skype: abipudding or DM me! Thanks!