Selling Selling Clash of Lords 2 Account Lvl 70. Town Hall and Hero Hall all lvl 15

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/2/15.

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  1. Games

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    I'm selling my CL2 account because I am not going to be playing it anymore. I put a lot of work and effort into my account and spent over $2500 on it. I am selling my account to the highest bidder to off set the cost of what I've spent. It is a great account with a lot of potential to be one of the top players. At one time, I had 3100 trophies and was part of one of the top guilds in the game. Here is a list of what I have in my account:

    Town Hall & Hero Hall all lvl 15.
    Victory Statues all lvl 10
    Reapers all lvl 6
    Walls lvl 5-6
    Cannons and Archer towers all lvl 14
    Many more goodies and upgraded features including a fully armored town hall.

    Pan Goli: 6 glory. Lvl 150. Hero Skill lvl 16. Mercenary lvl 29.
    Dark Rider: 9 glory. Lvl 151. Hero Skill lvl 14. Mercenary lvl 24.
    Blockhead: 7 Glory. Lvl 150. Hero Skill lvl 14. Mercenary lvl 23
    Pounder: 7 glory. lvl 140. Hero Skill lvl 12. Mercenary lvl 24. Gemini lvl 4
    Blitz Bomber: Full Glory (12). lvl 130. Hero skill lvl 9. Mercenary lvl 20 Gemini lvl 4
    Demon Slayer: 1 Glory. Lvl 125. Hero Skill lvl 9. Mercenary lvl 22
    Abyss Demon: 2 Glory. Lvl 128. Hero Skill lvl 11. Mercenary lvl 22
    Chiron: 1 Glory. Lvl 125. Hero Skill lvl 14. Mercenary lvl 24
    Renee Ven: 3 Glory. Lvl 121. Hero Skill lvl 8. Mercenary lvl 16. Gemini lvl 4
    Pan Goli: No Glory. Lvl 120
    Hydrosaur: Lvl 81. Gemini upgraded lvl 3?
    All other hero (totaling 15 epic hero) are all above lvl 75. Lots of Glory. Hero skill lvl 6 and above.

    I win the Campaign every day.

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