Selling Selling Citadel Rank 123 Criminal and Rank 30 Enforcer with lots of G1C Stuff!

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RiWoReX, 9/1/17.

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  1. RiWoReX

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    Im selling my Apb Reloaded Account, because I dont play the game anymore!
    I spend a lot of money in this game, I will send pictures of the purchase history!
    It has some of the rare Reward Weapons like the Colby M 1922 Mk3 and the PDW "Stiletto"
    I loved the game and put a lot of money into it, I would like to get 40 Euros for it!
    Payment Method is Paypal - Family and Friends!
    If you have Questions, just ask!
    Contact me with Skype!
    I can only show the first half of the purchase history, because otherwise it would be too many links for this post to exist, I can show you the other half on skype, if you interested!
    Skypeadress: [email protected]

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