Sold Selling Citadel lvl 18 | Hero lvl 27 | Realm: Forgotten Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vistex, 7/31/17.

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  1. Vistex

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    Selling my account as no longer have the time commitment for it. Account comes with:

    Citadel: level 18
    Hero: Level 27
    Total power: 700,000+
    Base power: 239,000 (excluding troops and traps)
    VIP: Level 5
    Realm: Forgotten Sanctuary

    Permanent Boosts:
    - 50% construction time reduction
    - 2nd build queue
    - T1 resource production doubler
    - 50% construction T1 resource cost reduction

    Easily reach level 20+ with these resources:
    - 172,000+ gold to spend how you please
    - over 90 million of food resources in reserves
    - over 20 million each in gil/stone/metal/energy reserves for quick builds/research/troop making
    - 60 days worth of speed ups

    Additional perks:
    - 10 days worth of barriers
    - Player/empire renames for personal customisation
    - Epic and rare level hero gear, plus plenty of level 4-5 material to craft additional gear

    Please PM me to discuss price.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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