Selling Selling Cheapest CS : GO Commendbot Service - Up to 200/200/200 - Just 5 Euros!

Discussion in 'CSGO Boosting for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Boosting' started by spotgold, 12/3/17.

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  1. spotgold

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    CS:GO In-Game Commendations (Friendly, Teacher, Leader)



    :cool: Friendly/Teacher/Leader 100/100/100- 3€ - 2 Case Keys

    :cool: Friendly/Teacher/Leader 200/200/200- 5€ - 4 Case Keys

    We can commend up to 200/200/200 per Account.


    Why would I buy it & how does it work?
    It is usually used to make your profile look more legit and convincing. It also boosts your Trust Factor score meaning you get better teammates, and potentially less cheaters in Prime.
    Some people do love collecting these!
    We have 200 accounts which submit in-game commendations through Steam Game Coordinator.

    Is it safe?
    It is 100% safe. It cannot cause any bans or issues for your account.
    Also, we do not ask for you account login details. Your steam profile link is all we need to send commendations!


    PayPal (friends or family)
    BitCoin (BTC)
    CS:GO Keys
    CS:GO Skins (Market price + 40% on top)


    SKYPE: ZERO1993
    - The one named ManUK*
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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