Many powerful digimon and full of medals.. a lot of money has been exhausted to build it.. who are interested in being top 100 are welcome.. Digimon mega +4: Shinegreymon resist nature, Major attack AncientGreymon resist water Chaosdramon resist nature, (newest) Milleniummon resist dark Ravemon BM resist thunder, Major defense, medal Omegamon Zwart D, no resist Susanoomon resist dark, Belphemon RM, resist light, Major defense, medal Leopardmon LM resist fire Omegamon Zwart resist light, Major accuracy, medal Omegamon resist dark, medal Imperialdramon PM resist light, medal Leviamon resist fire, Major hp, medal Dynasmon resist dark, medal Gallantmon resist dark TigerVespamon resist nature,medal Seraphimon resist dark Jesmon resist dark, Major Critical rate, medal Examon resist water, Adversity Shielding UlforceVeedramon resist dark, medal Pumpkinmon +4 (ready to Rosemon BM) many digi with medal and leader skill