Selling Selling Cheap kritika global highend account vip 9 over 16mio cp

Discussion in 'Kritika Chaos Unleashed Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xrack, 1/3/18.

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  1. Xrack

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    Hi I wanna sell my global account.

    VIP 9
    Master lvl: 4000+
    lilith 19 (glasscannon)
    sage 16
    carbuncle 17
    archangel 17
    louie 17
    moew 16
    Phoenix 16

    Berserker - 980k+ atk, 110% add, meteo eth+5, opals 99+
    guild battle: def 470+, def opal 85+, meteo eth+5
    weapon eth+ 35 (20lvl)
    full set eth+ 28 (12lvl)
    top 10 berserker world boss
    top 10 berserker tot (60 floor cleared)

    1. cat - 500k+ atk
    2. crimson - 550k+ atk
    3. bd - 500k+ atk

    My line id gyr0plex for Information and offers Price 500 euro
    Or kik gyr012
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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