Selling [Selling] Cheap Hots ready for rank 100% feedback seller

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by micheal.steve97, 5/24/17.

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  1. micheal.steve97

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    How are you guys!
    We have sold many Hots during the past years. And now we leveled up more accounts that are ready for rank which is 50$ per one!
    The accounts have some Gems, Gold and loot boxes. We will give the account password,email password and secret answer to you so you can change the account with your own email.

    If need see details about the account please Contact:
    MSN: [email protected]
    Facebook.: William Jess | Facebook.
    Skype: Michael.steve97
    Discord: Supermage#3004
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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