Selling Selling Cheap awesome ffrk account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Segnaless, 8/13/17.

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  1. Segnaless

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    Stamina 72, so it's a lot of dungeons left.
    This account has:

    • USB - Yuna, Lightning
    • OSB - Vaan, Ashe, Terra, Squall, Cloud
    • BSB - Squall, Seifer, Quistis, Onion Knight, Zack, Gabranth, Delita, Gilgamesh, Aerith, Vanille, Y'shtola
    • SSB - Selphie, Vincent, Zidane, Bartz, Ramza (shout), Seifer 1,2 , Onion Knight (sword), Dash, Orlandeau, Yuna 2nd, Vanille, Exdeath, Onion Knight (rod), Refia, Setzer, Sazh (+50% ATK), Marach, Alphinaud
    • SB - Tyro shield, Josef, Cloud

    Price - 30$. I think it's really cheap for such account.
    How do I'll transfer account to you? One-time password. All mythril will stay on your account. So it doesn't matter, if you have Android or IOS.
    Can provide any screenshots you want, just PM me.

    Whatsapp/Viber - +79603784351
    LINE - segnaless
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  2. dubstance

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    hey i sent you a message on viber. Answer back asap please. Thank you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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