Selling Selling Cheap and Reliable! Destiny 2 Services (Xbox)

Discussion in 'Destiny Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell Powerleveling | Cheap & Safe' started by Kienamaru, 7/28/17.

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  1. Kienamaru

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    So I had a great run with Destiny on this site, and Destiny 2 is just around the corner. I'll be taking preorders, first come, first serve. I've got a solid reputation and a lot of free time on my hands. I won't be taking payment until the day the game comes out, but it's a good idea to set things up so that I'll know what I'm working with. I'm currently only on Xbox, but if things turn out well, I can work towards getting the game on PC as well.

    For any questions, orders, or concerns you can contact me on skype: Kienamaru
    If you plan to make a purchase, please leave a message on this thread before messaging me on skype.


    Lost Sectors



    Strikes- TBD
    Crucible- TBD

    Patrols- TBD

    I take payment over Paypal and Google Wallet.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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