Sold Selling [CHEAP and NEW] MoonRabbits Powerlevelling Services

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MrsMoonRabbit, 9/22/17.

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  1. MrsMoonRabbit

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    Hello! Since I've been playing FFXIV over the past year now, and love it so much, I've decided to open up powerlevelling services. This includes MSQ powerlevelling and alt class powerlevelling.


    I'm Moon, a complete weeb and in love with the game FFXIV. While it's one of my favourite games, these services will be cheap because I'm saving up money for another game I want to spend money on and love just as much. I also have a full time job that allows me to browse the internet, so I've decided to see if people will take interest in this, and if so, will become something I'll do as much as I can.

    I want my powerlevelling services to be noticed and because of this, my prices will be reasonably cheap. I will deliver as fast as possible (I have a cooking business on the side, so 1-2 days in the week I won't be free.), But other than this I have a lot of free time to devout to your accounts!

    I now have a working Discord where you can direct IM me which is Baymax#5051
    ((I made a new discord account not long ago but immediately forgot the email. Luckily, this discord is my main account and easier for me to access.)) :eek: You can also contact me on playerup! If you have any questions or concerns then feel free to message me. I am very friendly and are always interested in getting to know new people!

    I'm from the UK so if I don't respond immediately, its usually because I'm eating, sleeping or getting to work.



    Level 1 - 10 = £3.
    Level 10 - 20 = £5.
    Level 20 - 30 = £10.
    Level 30 - 40 = £20.
    Level 40 - 50 = £25.
    Level 50 - 60 = £25.
    Level 60 - 70 = £35.

    Level 1 - 70 = £123. ($147)

    Alt Classes - Note: I will also do your class quests:

    Level 1 - 10 = £3.
    Level 1 - 20 = £3.
    Level 20 - 30 = £5.
    Level 30 - 40 = £8.
    Level 40 - 50 = £10.
    Level 50 - 60 = £15.
    Level 60 - 70 = £20.

    Level 1 - 70 = £64. ($76.49)

    Gathering/Crafting Classes - Note: I will also do your class quests:

    Level 1 - 10 = £3.
    Level 10 - 20 = £3.
    Level 20 - 30 = £5.
    Level 30 - 40 = £10.
    Level 50 - 60 = £25.
    Level 60 - 70 = £30.

    Level 1 - 70 = £76. ($90.83)

    Paypal only. Payment before service is mandatory. I will never share your information.

    EDIT: I got an infraction because I'm new and didn't realize I need to add some things to this thread! Sorry!

    Levelling is done by hand, no bots.

    No Grouping.

    Login Information is required, so I can a play the account and give it back to you once the level you desire is done.

    No team playing since I'll be playing it on my own. While I'm boosting your account, you won't be able to access it.

    Thank you for reading!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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