WTS accounts: 1 Account: - Omegamon (Supreme Cannon) - Lilamon (Leader Skill: Minor boost to defense) + https://imgur.com/JkHJ56s + https://imgur.com/4KtWHOm 2 Account: - Metaletemon +2 - PlatinumNumemon + https://imgur.com/Os5JPfb + https://imgur.com/wT9pv5Y + https://imgur.com/BH1r08g 3 Account: - Metaletemon (Leader Skill: Moderate boost to S-Attack) - Garurumon (Medal: 3 Silver S-ATK) - Vegiemon (Legacy Skill: Sonic Void V) + https://imgur.com/zG0pDDG + https://imgur.com/IyNsMwp + https://imgur.com/pUVCFhM 4 Account: - PlatinumNumemon +2 + https://imgur.com/3wNAeDq + https://imgur.com/ZN2RC6O 5 Account: - Wargreymon (Terra Force + Hydrokinesis IV + Leader Skill: Minor boost to defense) + https://imgur.com/gEUehky Contact me by PM and PM me for offer