Sold Selling Cheap Account

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Khan33, 6/14/17.

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  1. Khan33

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    Selling my account since I don't play this game anymore and don't plan on playing it (moved to BDO)
    What it has:
    As far as I can remember the only "valuable" things it has are 2 lvl 80 characters.
    -Rev (this one has all the mastery points)

    Also has the Legendary Hammer Juggernaut.
    A few outfits and gem purchases
    Mawdrey (ascended backpack)
    Both characters have decent gear but the Rev has better gear.
    Most crafting professions are at max

    Cant send screenshots since I don't have the game anymore, you'd have to be willing to wait till I download and update it again.
    Yes, this has the HoT expansion.
    Email me at [email protected]
    Will give all the info you need and go through the process of changing the email to your preferred one.
    Paypal only
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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