Selling Cheap account (Paladin- League)

Discussion in 'Allods Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by daleno, 3/23/17.

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  1. daleno

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    Runes 10 10 9 8 7 7
    HOLY emblem of brutal wizard
    Earing Slot Holy
    Patronage level 5
    3 jobs
    4 reincs( Warrior-75 , Mage-74 , Healer-72, Summoner-14)
    13 mounts. Spiner Pegasus
    Talent points, Rare , Epic e Lendary,

    Carnifiex need only fatality
    Conclave , normal , rare , epic , e lendary (210 points)
    Concelor box , needs only lendary ruby
    Inventor box, complete , ( mounths skills)
    250 stats points
    Condensed water of life
    Condensed water of deat ( i have 5/10 waters of life)
    Thunderstrike , anti unmount
    All patronages skills level 2
    Private allod

    Racials Skils
    loot colector herbs and ores
    Ruby of bg, and ruby of jobs

    Frozen tear of dragon
    With e-mail

    my email is [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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