Selling very cheap account low budget, the account is Unique at moment is in WV she doesn't have many skills, but she got enough damage!!! Skills: perish blade to level 5 Vagrant Kick Set level 8 Twin WV Blade lvl 5 Goose blade (YMP set) lvl 5 Touch of Color (Cash shop set) lvl 6 Vagrant Blade lvl 5 Demon stig (dagger faction set) lvl3 Demon breath palm (palm faction set) lvl 6-8 Inner: Nianluo Dam Inner = lvl 59! this what make her to be unique, the inner is not bad at all Self Recolection 35/42 Ice Chi 31/31 Gears: Has few Class4/5, but not complete set, gold Has x2 Jade powder bound Meridian: The strongest part of this account are the meridian, in fact she has: Emei: 132/180 Wanderer's valley: 144/144 Beggar: 108/144 Wudang: 168/180 Scholar: 108/144 Tangmen: 180/180 Nianluo Dam: 119/180 Royal Guards: 112/144 Shaolin: 144/144 Lore: Dagger 2 star lore Outfit: From New World West and North! (Having the most not all) Items: The account has few items from new world, not many x2 Black Jade powder x749 Five Aggregates Asking price: Just 70$ Mail me at [email protected]