Selling Cheap account, low budget, good for start or use as alt!

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HatsuneMiku, 9/29/16.

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  1. HatsuneMiku

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    Selling very cheap account low budget, the account is Unique at moment is in WV she doesn't have many skills, but she got enough damage!!!
    perish blade to level 5
    Vagrant Kick Set level 8
    Twin WV Blade lvl 5
    Goose blade (YMP set) lvl 5
    Touch of Color (Cash shop set) lvl 6
    Vagrant Blade lvl 5
    Demon stig (dagger faction set) lvl3
    Demon breath palm (palm faction set) lvl 6-8

    Nianluo Dam Inner = lvl 59! this what make her to be unique, the inner is not bad at all
    Self Recolection 35/42
    Ice Chi 31/31

    Has few Class4/5, but not complete set, gold
    Has x2 Jade powder bound


    The strongest part of this account are the meridian, in fact she has:
    Emei: 132/180
    Wanderer's valley: 144/144
    Beggar: 108/144
    Wudang: 168/180
    Scholar: 108/144
    Tangmen: 180/180
    Nianluo Dam: 119/180
    Royal Guards: 112/144
    Shaolin: 144/144

    Dagger 2 star lore

    From New World West and North! (Having the most not all)

    The account has few items from new world, not many
    x2 Black Jade powder
    x749 Five Aggregates

    Asking price: Just 70$ Mail me at [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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