Sold Selling Cheap +11 Ara VoidEls

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wolfzero308, 8/31/17.

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  1. Wolfzero308

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    Price: $25 Contact: Discord Hikorin#3105 Skype: [email protected] (the skype named Wolf and a pic of my dog)
    Account details: +11 80 raid Wep From When it was originally scroll only Fully Saged armor+wep 7/9 Elpheus Ara (No mark/kinder) Full EO Dark Black and White swimwear sets TT Eyepiece All swords Purple,White,Green, and Blue 897 Revives Mix of +9/10 Armor ara has Miho pet bunch of random item mall stuff raven has EO Dark full and miho pet luciel has shiho add has shiho ara has deep blue eyes customize and snuggly seal sitting pose
    Characters: Lv.99 SD-Ara 89 BM-Raven 91 Noblesse-Luciel 89 Empress-Eve 89 MM-Add 91 GA-Rena
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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