Sold Selling characters 140mil SP and 126mil SP

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by naiku, 5/3/17.

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  1. naiku

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    Selling 2 of my own accounts, accounts are made in 2004, never suspended or got banned.

    1st account can fly pretty much every pvp ship, all cruisers trained to lvl5, all t3 cruisers to lvl5, can fly capitals, if needed can fly a titan too. 66bil in assets.
    2nd account has maxed rorqa skills with the top boosts ingame, can fly mostly everything too, including jump freighter/dreads/cariers etc. 26bil in assets. Has all research/industry/production skills maxed.

    If you need more info, you can pm me, I can mail you the skill sheet, since the post would be way to long if I would have pasted it here.

    PM me with your offers on these accounts. Only serious bidders please.

    Willing to sell both account for 1200$, price is negotable. I'm not a reseller but the original holder of the accounts, so messages with - I'll buy them both for 600$ won't go for me. These are my babies, and they are precious!
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