Selling  Android  High End Selling cc 58, 730 mil power Account in region Arch for 900$ OBO.

Discussion in 'World War Rising Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gunslinger09, 7/29/19.

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  1. Gunslinger09

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    My Location:
    This account is loaded, Riggs 200, Xira 200, Ronnen 154, Tallia 153 and research is complete for the cc level and being upgraded daily. 11.5 mil T6 TROOPS, 800k Mercs, the only research that isnt 100% is Mercs and explorer from a lack of dossiers, Level 60 is equal to the cc level capabilities. Still have alot of T2 speedups just out of t5 rss to continue upgrading buildings.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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