1) Blader Level: 156 Skill Rank: Dual Trance Honor Class: 8 Quest: some not complete yet but bslv all complete Equipment: 1 avatar lv3 pet Naked 2) ForceBlader Level: 170 Skill Rank: Dual Trance Honor Class: 11 Quest: All completed accept some hidden help quest Equipment: Some Avatar EOF+8 Mithril Suit 7%Samp Mithril blade 7%Samp Topaz orb of db 30%CD OSM battleglove 7%Samp Critical ring+2 x1 OSM helm of db 30%CD FRE+5 x2 BOF+6 x2 pet lv8 AOP+5 ROL+1 x1 selling both separate acc accepted RM/SGD. Looking for serious buyer. Face to face sell is better will provide all the information to let you change all the pw as well. Wan to sell the whodle acc with equipement together. If wan the items pls offer in cash no alz allow. Contact: Malaysia: 0165461289 (KL area) Singapore: 81969374 (Any SG area) gv me your number i wan call you n deal n last time i call you no wan answer still got ?