Selling Selling Cabal PH Venus (Official Server) {Force...

Discussion in 'Cabal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vlad Raven Belmont, 6/2/15.

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  1. Vlad Raven Belmont

    Vlad Raven Belmont
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    Selling Cabal PH Venus (Official Server) {Force Blader lvl.168} [1.5k] 0923-6584789 Honor Rank.12 Amulet Crafting Amity ~ 5.4k Chloe Request Crafting Amity ~ 2.5k Giant Beetle Pet ~ lvl.9 Attact Rate+60 Max HP Steal+5 Max MP Steal+5 Magic Skill Amp+1% HP Steal 1% of the total damage Evasion+100 Evasion+100 Resist Critical Rate+1% Resist Stun+1% Mercenary's: lvl from 1-3 of all Covenant lvl.1 of all Dazzlement Killian Ring Leth Tyranth ring Drossnin's Earring:x4 HP+20 HP+35 Max HP Steal+10 Max HP Steal+10 Max HP Steal+10 Defense+20 Defense+20 Max HP Steal+10 Defense+10 Max HP Steal+15 Defense+20 HP+20 Pridus Bracelet:x2 Critical DMG. +2% Critical DMG. +2% Critical DMG. +2% Critical DMG. +2% Critical DMG. +2% Critical DMG. +2% Essense Skills: Knock-Back Resist ~ lvl.8 Down Resist ~ lvl.3 Stun Resist ~ lvl.3 Pet EXP ~ lvl.10 Party EXP ~ lvl.1 EXP ~ lvl.10 MP Absorb UP ~ lvl.1 HP Absorb UP ~ lvl.1 MP Absorb Limit ~ lvl.1 HP Absorb Limit ~ lvl.1 Alz Drop Amount ~ lvl.1 Alz Drop Rate ~ lvl.1 Alz Bomb Chance ~ lvl.1 FREEBIES: Enchant Safeguard (low) x1 Enchant Safeguard (Medium) x1 Enchant Safeguard (Highest) x1 Sealed Mergahep's Ring x1 Blessing Bead - Wexp (100%) 1day for more info's call me i'm using SUN
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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