Sold Selling Budget leveling x-80 - for any budget!

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Leggyfarmer, 3/1/17.

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  1. Leggyfarmer

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    Hey there guys,

    I'm offering cheap powerleveling services for Guild Wars 2. For only 60$ I will level a character on your account to 80 within 3 to 4 days.
    I have done this for a few friends and I liked to do it while i was unemployed.

    I'm new to the forum, so I know I don't have any rep, which is why will I agree on doing the leveling first and then the payment, and we can do it through a middle-man or Middleman works with powerleveling :).

    To garantuee extra satisfaction, I will livestream the leveling for you if you request it, so you can see how far your character has come, and that I'm trustworthy.

    Obviously you get to keep all the items/credits made and found on the account.

    Hope to see your request soon :)
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