Sold Selling Boom Beach Account. HELP!?

Discussion in 'Boom Beach Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by BFree42, 2/6/17.

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  1. BFree42

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    Hey guys. I am looking to sell my Boom Beach account and others, but have no idea how to securely do so. I can't seem to find anything online either as to how I can do that securely.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm looking to sell my LVL 55 21 HQ Boom Beach, my LVL 10 4100 Trophies Clash Royale, and 800 Trophies Golf Clash.

    Also, I have an idea of how much I can get for all three of these, but wondering what you would suggest I sell them for!

    Finally, I want cash! No credits, no coins, no trades. Straight cash homie!;)
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