Sold Selling Bokura's 5* Base Accounts (Starters and more!) Prices as low as $5!

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bokura, 2/4/17.

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  1. Bokura

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    Old thread was no longer editable, but up to a combined ~4k+ views on both! This might be the last of the accounts I have for awhile as I'm getting kind of burnt out and want to get rid of them, but I'll probably start rerolling again when Orlandu comes around. Many of these accounts come with additional units and/or a couple of additional tickets and such that I just haven't kept up with keeping track of as well.

    Process:Buyer will pay first and send me a facebook account to link it to. When payment is complete, I'll link the account. Please make sure you verify the facebook account by clicking the confirmation link in the email attached to it (a common issue I've had is people forget to do this step and it won't let you link it until you do.) If you'd like an SS of the account to verify my ownership, I'm happy to provide one. Please check my feedback and previous threads as well to see that I am a reliable seller of accounts.

    Note regarding payment: Payment must be made via PayPal and sent as money to friends/family (gift), I will refund the payment if it is sent under "payment of goods or services."

    Note: Green are new units added to the account
    Additional Note: All accounts are unlinked UNLESS specified otherwise.
    Although I have listed prices, I'm happy to listen to offers as well.

    [B][COLOR=#ffa500][U]$5 Account Bargain Bin:[#][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffffff]

    Account 10:
    Gilgamesh, Bartz, [/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00]Exdeath, Ludmille, Lenna, Ingus[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff], Faris x3, Gilbert, Sazh, Rydia (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffffff]Account 15:
    Dark Knight Cecil, [/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00]Chizuru, Hayate, Zidane,[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff] Lenna, Vanille, Fang x2, Ingus, Artemios, Kain (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    Account 16:
    Gilgamesh, Hope, Mustadio, Locke, Charlotte, [/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00]Lenna, Amarant,[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff] Miyuki, Leo, Terra, Roselia (4*), Fang x2 (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    Account 23:
    Delita, Exdeath, Roselia, Ludmille, Sazh, Charlotte, Alma + 7 tickets [/COLOR][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]
    (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata)[B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][COLOR=#ffffff] Rank 2

    [COLOR=#ffd700][U]$10 and Up Accounts:[#][/COLOR][B]

    [COLOR=#ffffff]Account 6: $10
    Elza, Bartz x2, [/COLOR][COLOR=#00FF00]Cecil, Mercedes, WoL, Vaan,[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff] Gaffgarion, Celes, Exdeath x2, Golbez, Freya, Charlotte, Fang, Xiao, Lenna, Ingus (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2[/COLOR][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]

    [COLOR=#ffffff][B][B]Account 12: $10
    Ramza, Chizuru, CoD,[/B][/B][/COLOR][B][B][COLOR=#00ff00][B][B] Zidane, Charlotte, Locke[/B][/B][/COLOR][B][B][COLOR=#ffffff][B][B], Exdeath, Terra, Golbez, Faris, Ingus x2, Fang, Shantotto (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2[/B][/B][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#00ff00]Account 17: $30
    Luneth, Dark Knight Cecil, Chizuru, Miyuki, Mustadio, [/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff]CoD, Exdeath x2, Amarant, Lenna (4*), Terra, Hope, Artemios, Gilbert, Kain, Charlotte, Garnet, Fang x2 (3 additional tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 8.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#00ff00]*NEW* Account 24: $15
    Lightning, Chizuru, Exdeath x2, Luka, Locke, Hope x2, Garnet, Bartz, Firion, Garland, Roselia, Miyuki x2, Xiao x2, Hayate x2, Arc, Charlotte, Mustadio, Alma, Ingus, Tellah, Amarant (Rank 26, 3 additional summon tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata, Linked to a dummy fb) Yes, it hasn't done virtually any story.[/COLOR]

    [B][COLOR=#ffffff]Account M.3: $16[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#00FF00]Ramza, Zidane (10% TM already), Gaffgarion, Mercedes, Lenna, Vanille[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffffff]Maxwell, Tilith, Exdeath x4, Vaan, Faris x3, Alma, Edge, Xiao x2, Bartz x4, Rydia, Fang x2, Hope,[B]Charlotte, Cerius, [/B][/COLOR][B][B][COLOR=#ffffff](Rank 14, linked to dummy fb)[/COLOR][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][COLOR=#ffffff][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#00ff00]*NEW* Account M.8: $18[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffffff]DK Cecil, Maxwell, Tilith, Chizuru, Mercedes,[/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00] Arc, [/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff]Agrias, Exdeath, Bartz, Cecil x3, Firion, CoD, Rosa, Hope x2, Terra, Miyuki, Vaan, Roselia, Xiao, Artemios x2, Locke, Hayate, Charlotte, Faris x3, Sazh, Fang, Gilbert x2 and 25% in Trust Moogles (Rank 15, linked to a dummy fb)[/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00][/COLOR]


    [COLOR=#ee82ee][B][U]Maxwell + Tilith Accounts (All of these have the trials done up to and including the Thorned Mace one): [#]
    Offer for them if you wish but most likely these accounts will be held on to for a later date until they include a 5* base from a gacha.[/B][/COLOR][B][B][COLOR=#ee82ee]

    Account M.5:
    Maxwell, Tilith, CoD, Celes, Artemios, Freya, Bartz x4, Faris, Lenna, Miyuki,[/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00] Kefka, Charlotte, Snow, Chizuru, Kuja,[/COLOR][COLOR=#ee82ee] Cerius, Hope, Shantotto (Rank 13, UNLINKED)

    Account M.6:
    Maxwell, Tilith, Bartz x2, [/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00]Celes, Charlotte, Chizuru, Miyuki, Zidane, Garnet,[/COLOR][COLOR=#ee82ee] Garland x2, Amarant, Exdeath x4, Faris x2, Artemios , Xiao, Shantotto x3, Luna x2, Kain (Rank 14, UNLINKED)
    [COLOR=#ff0000]Account 1:
    Luneth, Ingus, CoD, Shantotto, Seria (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    Account 2:
    Luneth, ExDeath, Bartz, Kefka, Mustadio, Kain, Shantotto (4 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 4[/COLOR][COLOR=#C1C1C1][/COLOR]
    Account 3:
    Elza, Karl, WoL, Arcx3, Xiao, Ingus (Up to Grandshelt Cata finished), Rank 8

    Account 4:
    Elza, CoD, Kefka (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    Account 5:
    Luneth, 5* Kuja, Locke, Bartz, CoD, Amarant, Hayate, Golbez (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    Account 7:
    Elza, Refia, Arc, Bartz, Exdeath, Freya (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    Account 9:[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#FF0000]Lightning, Bartz, Faris, Rydia (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    Account 11:
    Gilgamesh, Exdeath, Gilbert, Faris x2 (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2[/COLOR]
    Account 13:
    Gilgamesh, Exdeath x4, Faris x2, Mustadio, Edge (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2

    [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]Account 14:
    Gilgamesh, Noctis, Chizuru, Bartz, Firion x2, Tellah (4*), Exdeath, Vaan, Charlottte, Hope, Vanille, Kain, Faris x2(3 additional tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 5.[/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/COLOR][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][COLOR=#ff0000]

    [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]Account 18:
    Gilgamesh, WoL, Chizuru, Cecil, Bartz, Exdeath (4*), Alma (4*), Ludmille, Garnet, Locke x2, Greya, Artemios, Tellah, Edge x2 [B](5 additional tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2
    [B][B][B][COLOR=#ff0000][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]Account 19:
    Lightning, Chizuru, CoD, Charlotte, Alma (4*), Hayate, Mustadio, Artemios, Kefka, Leo, Edge, Mercedes, Terra, Snow, Freya [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B](5 additional tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2
    [B][B][B][B][COLOR=#ff0000][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]Account 20:
    Lightning, Zidane x2, Freya, Vanille, Ludmille, Garnet, Refia, Miyuki, Charlotte [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]([/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/COLOR][B][B][B][COLOR=#ff0000]5 additional tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2[/COLOR][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][COLOR=#ff0000]

    Account 21:
    Luneth, Gilgamesh (22.3% TM), WoL, Chizuru, Cecil, CoD, Zidane, Exdeath, Bartz, Miyuki, Hayate, Vanille, Vaan x2, Hope x2, Rosa, Mercedes, Garland, Terra, Golbez, Locke, Xiao x2, Celes, Kefka, Charlotte, Alma, Sazh, Fang, Ingus x2, Faris x2 (Rank 24, linked to dummy fb)

    Account 22:
    Noctis, Cecil, Locke, Cerius, Charlotte (5 tickets available finishing up to Grandshelt Cata), Rank 2[/COLOR][B][B][B][B][B] Account M.4: Maxwell, Tilith, Cecil, Exdeath, Bartz x3, Garland, Refia, Rosa, Garland, Mustadio, Locke, Leo, Hayate x2, Faris (Rank 14, linked to dummy fb) Account M.7 Lightning, Maxwell, Tilith, Chizuru x3, Garland, Freya, Kefka x3, Bartz, Exdeath, Hayate, Tellah, Amarant, Charlotte, Mustadio, Gaffgarion, Hope, Rosa x2, Edge, Arc x2, Ingus x2, Vaan, Faris, Roselia, Kuja, Shantotto x2, Kain and 25% in Trust Moogles(Rank 16, linked to dummy fb) Account M.9: Luneth (6* Maxed), Tilith (4* Maxed), Maxwell (5* Maxed), Agrias (5* Maxed and another 4* one) x2, Chizuru x4 (2 Maxed at 4*, other 4 at L1) Hope x3, Ludmille x2, Zidane x2 (One is 55% TM), Exdeath, Bartz x3, Ingus x3, CoD x3, Sazh x2, Mustadio x2, Charlotte, Seria, Lenna, Garnet x2, Amarant, Freya, Tellah x2, Hayate, Celes, Locke, Leo, Gilbert x2, Xiao x3, Firion, Vaan, Roselia, Golbez and 12 SUMMON TICKETS (Rank 28, linked to a dummy facebook) Account SS: Noctis, DK Cecil, Maxwell, Tilith, Zidane x2, Exdeath x2, Bartz x2, Faris x2, Refia, Arc x2, Ingus, Gaffgarion x3, Miyuki, Lenna, Celes, Roselia x3 (Perfect for Tilith), Garland x3, Ludmille, Celes, Rosa, Charlotte, Sazh, Fang, Gilbert x2, Golbez x2, Cerius (Rank 15, Linked to dummy fb) Old Thread(s):! [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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