Sold [Selling] BnS A/c Lyn Summoner (647 AP) with 500g + (300g++ Goodies) for (30$)

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xRxwitcherxRx, 10/16/16.

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  1. xRxwitcherxRx

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    Hi All,

    I want to sell my Blade and Soul Account. (Lyn Summoner 647 AP)

    I Have 550+ Gold
    Other items
    - 35 Silverfrost Transformation stones
    - 558 Frozen Stingers
    - 70 Silverfrost Quartz

    Reason for selling: Played for 6+ Months, time to move on to other game.

    Refer to the Img.

    Can provide additional information on request.

    Skype Name - allan.bendis

    Thank you.
    #1 xRxwitcherxRx, 10/16/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/17/16
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