Selling Bnetaccount owdeluxe (lots of skins) / wow (draenor) / free namechange (oo)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kingbrandon, 8/9/17.

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  1. kingbrandon

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    I am the original owner. Account comes with Overwatch Deluxe Edition, World of Warcraft with all expansions up to and including Draenor. Account has some ok HoTs progress, comes with most assassins. Hearthstone has a pretty shitty card collection, but has a few decks that work well enough. Also has HoTs cardback and multiple from previous seasons.


    Looking for like $50 paypal only.

    PM me for Overwatch skin questions, if I get around to it I'll update the thread with a list later.
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