Selling Bnet : Wow/Diablo3/Hots/Hs/Sc2

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tataienstein, 9/23/17.

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  1. Tataienstein

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    Selling my BNET Account :

    Wow WOD

    Wow account comes paid until 9 November -
    Main Paladin is 934 ilvl geared for raids - RETRIBUTION -
    Weapon artifact traits lvl 59 - Knowledge lvl 44 -
    Comes with a few legendaries and a few offspec items in bank -
    Rougly 100.000 golds - No professions -
    98/100 mounts - Most notable is Ashes of Alar + some other games mounts like the flamesaber from Hots -
    10k Achievements -

    3 110 alts plus a few low lvls -

    Main Paladin raiding Mythic

    Alt Paladin for alts raid runs Mythic

    Alt Mage

    Alt Priest

    DIABLO 3

    15 max level char all almost equiped with 627paragon


    Lv 74 account with 12 chests, 1000 gems and 7000 golds


    Legendaries card:
    Druido - Fandral Staghelm
    Hunter: Deathstalker Rexxar
    Mage - Open the Waygate, inkmaster Solia

    Paladin - Tirion Frodring
    Priest - Prophet Velen
    Rogue - Edwin VanCleef
    Shaman- Al'Akir the Windlord
    Warlock- Lord Jaraxxus
    Warrior : Malkorok - Grommash Hellscream - Patches the Pirate - Bloodmage Thalnos - Moroes - Barnes - Karakus - Elise the Trailblazer - The curator - Medivh, the guardian, Alexstrasza - C'Thun - N'zoth the corruptor

    Overwatch :

    Lvl 49 some unlocks nothing big

    Selling the Whole thing with all informations for 300e.

    Add skype : Nyliasilveu

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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