Selling Bnet(EU), High-end WoW acc, Diablo3, Hearthstone, Hots

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KeGolk, 5/23/17.

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  1. KeGolk

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    Start of wrath I have gotten wow the account has been active thru the whole expansion expect for ruby sanctum, and is still active today, the reason i wish to sell off my battle net account is to give myself a lot more free time and let me focus on life and the things i am facing right now.
    The account has 2 chars on 110,3 chars above 101,3 chars 100,1 char 91,3 chars 90 on draenor EU, besides this the account also has chars on other realms that are above 60+.
    The main char warlock has 52 traits on destro, 41 demo. Also has bis legendaries for destro and demo for this patch and for the next upcoming patch.
    The account has keymaster done, and artifact challenge (mage tower) for destro done. Beside this the account also has Black Harvest done, CM Mop and Wod also, Mythic Soo mount, Mythic HFC mount, Mythic Blackhand mount, Midnight and much more.

    Currently the warlock has done en mythic, tov 2/3 mythic and 8/10 mythic nh.
    I have played on and off but the account does have decent cards, legendaries etc.
    I have played in the alpha and beta staged of the game, the account has 21 champions, a lot of gems.


    +The account also has diablo 3 + ros expansion ( I havent played it much but it does have hero's of course).

    For additional information and those who are interested in buying please contact me on skype:


    My personal value for the account is 850 Euro.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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