Selling Bnet account. WoW Legion collector's edition, Overwatch, HOTS,D3, Starcraft 2

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zyxxa, 4/24/17.

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  1. Zyxxa

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    Selling my Account, WoW Legion Collectors on it. Horde Chars Spread across Tich, Rexxar and Destromath.
    PM me for Armory Links
    Troll Shaman 200k Gold 870 ilvl (Ele) 868 ilvl (Enhancement, BIS Legendary Chest Emalon's Charged Core)
    Rank 32 Enhancement Artifact Trait
    Rank 32 Ele Artifact Trait
    25 Artifact Knowledge
    Jewelcraft Level 796/800
    Minig 800/800
    Fishing 715/800
    Cooking 785/800

    Some Gems in bags, over 50k worth
    2 Ancient Knowledge Potions (300% XP for an hour)

    Tauren Druid 20k Gold. 858 ilvl Guardian (Tank), 860 ilvl Feral (Melee DPS) 852 ilvl Boomkin (Caster DPS) 849 ivl Resto (Healer)
    Rank 20 Guardian Artifact Traits
    Rank 17 Feral Artifact Traits
    Rank 13 Boomkin Artifact Traits
    Rank 6 Resto Artifact Traits
    Alchemy 782/800 (Rank 3 INT Flask Recipe)
    Herbalism 800/800 (Rank 3 Starlight Rose)

    Misc Herbs in Bags

    Alts: 110 Blood elf Demon Hunter 18k gold (Almost fresh 110, 783 ilvl dps,785 ilvl Tank)
    110 Blood Elf Paladin 1.1k gold 848 ilvl Tank, 845 ilvl 721/800 Enchanting, 631/800 engineering
    110 Undead Mage 7.3k gold 828 ilvl Fire, 825 ilvl Frost, 821 ilvl arcane 758/800 mining, 760/ 800 Tailoring
    110 blood Elf Priest 3.8k gold, Fresh 110 Low 800's ilvl
    102 Blood Elf Warlock
    100 Blood Elf Monk
    100 Orc Rogue
    91 Orc Warrior
    108 Undead Death Knight
    54 Bank Character 36.8k gold ( 12 legion event boxes to open for gear if needed)

    Mounts of Interest
    Dread Raven
    Grove Warden
    Jeweled Onyx Panther
    Kor'Kron Annihlator
    Raven Lord (Druid Quest Mount)
    Black War Bear (For The Horde! Achieve Mount)
    Core Hound (Molten Core Anniversary Mount)
    Dark Pheonix (Guild Achieve Mount)
    Illidari Felstalker (Legion Collector's Edition)
    Warlord's Deathwheel (Achieve Mount)
    Traveler's Tundra Mount
    Corgi Pup x2
    Dread Hatchling
    Felbat Pup x2
    Lil' Bling
    Iron Starlette
    Winter's Little Helper
    Baby Elderhorn (baby moose, Rep Pet)
    Baby Winston (Overwatch Pet)
    Core Hound Pup
    Dark Phoenix Hatchling
    Death Talon Whelpguard
    Fragment of Desire
    Harbinger of Flame
    Left Shark
    Lil' Tarecgosa
    Molten Corgi (anniversary Pet)
    Pocket Reaver
    Zandalari Dinos' (3 of all)

    Heirlooms (faster leveling) 58/84 account Has Diablo 3 (Max level Chars, high paragon +seasonal items and various game items from other Blizz Games)
    Heroes of the Storm (not much playtime i dont think)
    Overwatch (Several skins unlocked, non ranked)
    Starcraft 2 (Starter Edition)

    Asking $400 OBO
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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