Selling Bnet acc wow legion, hots, stc ii wol-lotv, overwatch standar edition.

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Danielwow, 11/4/16.

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  1. Danielwow

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    WoW legion, I only have one 110 in tichondrius server and other level 90 on ragnaros server.

    Shaman Elemental 110 Dwarf IL 861 with 30 points spent on artifact weapon, with 2 wow tokens and 50k gold, prestige level 3 and currently level 35 in pvp almost close to prestige 4
    I don't own a lot of fancy mounts or pets , I mostly do is pvp yet the highest rank I got is 2k in 3v3 and 2v2 ,in rbg's i've got 1.9k .I mostly played for fun, Been playing since BC, I didn't play WoD so I don't have any achievement from that expansion.

    I got like 4 level 90 in Ragnaros server, they don't have much gold, most of those characters are abandon.

    Heroes of the storm, played quite a long time , I don't have any paid skin, The heroes I own are Gul'dan ,Chromie, Greymane, Lunara , Artanis, Rexxar, Leoric , Johanna, kael'thas, Jaina, Anub'arak,Azmadon ,Zagara, Li Li, Tychus, Raynor, Abathur, Arthas, E.T.C., Gazlowe, Illidan ,Malfurion,Nova, Muradin, Stiches ,Tassadar, Sonya, Tyrael, Tyrande, Valla.

    and 5k g , I stopped playing it when WoW legion came out.

    STC II WoL and LotV, I don't have kerrigan's expansion, didn't played it at all ,it was my brother who did and stuff so I got no idea about this one.

    Overwatch, played quite a bit, not my type of game yet I enjoyed it , it has the standard edition and no skin or golden wep or anything like that.

    I've decided to value my account in 500$ , Mostly for my shaman elemental , WoW legion now makes you invest too much time on the game, by upgrading artifact weapons , and stuff alike. I am not from the U.S. so as a method of payment I Would accept amazon gift card's.

    If you are interested send me an e-mail to [email protected]. or If you would like to know more about my account.
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